252 pages, and more than 240 illustrations and charts, size 8.25 x 10.75 inches. This publication is a faithful reproduction of the 1962-1965 BSA Factory Workshop Manual part number 00-4113 that covers the A50 (500cc) and A65 (650cc) unit-construction twins manufactured between August 1961 through the end of July 1965.
It should be noted that BSA model years ran from August through July. For example, the 1962 models were released in August 1961, the 1963 models in August 1962 etc. This can, at times, cause confusion and the only sure method of determining 'what year is it?' is by the serial number. The various engine and frame numbers for the 1962 to 1965 unit-construction twins are shown in the table below. Note that the pre-1966 engine and frame numbers seldom matched.
MODEL KEY: C = Cyclone, CC = Cyclone Competition, L = Lightning, LC = Lightning Clubman, LR = Lightning Rocket, R = Rocket, S = Star, SH = Spitfire Hornet, TR = Thunderbolt Rocket.
EXTENSION (-) KEY: CB = Cable (Rear) Brake, CR = Close Ratio Gearbox, PM = Police Model, RB = Rod (Rear) Brake, RC = Rev Counter, UK = United Kingdom Model, US = USA Model.
1962 Engine/FrameA50S-CB A50-101/A50-101A50S-RB A50-101/A50A-101A65S-CB A65-101/A50-101A65S-RB A65-101/A50A-101Related Subjects