Many of us are in debt. We do not even know how much we owe and what interest rates we are paying. Knowing is half the battle.
This planner can help you find out how much you owe, seeing it, tracking it can help you take steps towards financial freedom. It's time to stop the bleeding with this Two Year Budget Planner. This organizer starts January 2020 and goes to December 2021 and includes:
An at a glance page to summarize and compare your expenses over a two year period.
Credit Card payment & balance log
1 year, 2 year, 5 year and 10 year goal pages for debt, savings and income
Full Month View January 2020 to December 2021 to fill in:
pay daysauto withdrawalsevents andother billsMonthly Log to fill in:
Fixed ExpensesVariable ExpensesDiscreationary Spending ExpensesIncomeOutgoingTake your first step towards getting out of debt with this planner, you won't regret it
Printed in the USA. 100% money back guarantee. Makes a great gift for a loved one or for yourself