Help your clients maximize their Social Security & Medicare benefits Social Security & Medicare Facts is a one-stop guide for attorneys, CPAs, and retirement and financial planning professionals for advising on tax and policy changes affecting Social Security and Medicare. Organized in a unique and convenient Q&A format, this book helps professionals find exactly what they're looking for quickly and easily to solve clients' important planning issues in a timely manner.
This resource features:
Hundreds of easy-to-read questions and answers that comprehensively cover all aspects of Social Security & MedicareHow Social Security retirement and disability benefits are determinedHow to incorporate Social Security & Medicare benefits into planning techniquesExplanations of the effects of other types of income on Social Security BenefitsFiling and timing requirements for Medicare coverageInformation regarding Medicare claims and appeals processInformation regarding Medigap insurance coverageAnd moreNew in the 2020 Edition:
New discussions of planning techniques designed to maximize beneftsDozens of new questions, expanding coverage of nearly every topic as well as updating benefits amounts and costs to 2020 valuesA new section addressing state taxation of Social Security benefitsUpdated and additional information on how benefits can be reduced or lost through the Windfall Elimination Provisions to the Social Security Act and Government Pension OffsetExpanded coverage of denial of coverage and appeal processesExpanded coverage of Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medigap policies, and Medicaid, including the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act and elimination of the popular C and F plansUpdated coverage of Medicaid benefits, as well as changes in eligibility standards and work requirementsUpdated case studies illustrating how to maximize benefits strategies in real-life scenariosAdditional information regarding Delayed Retirement Credits and Self-employment InsuranceUpdated information regarding rights and benefits for same-sex marriagesExpanded coverage of Railroad Retirement benefits and benefits for federal government employees, including new questions relating to FERS and Civil Service Retirement programsAdditional coverage of military retirement benefits including expansion of coverage of new Blended Retirement program, military disability pay, and coverage for National Guard members and reservistsThe effect of "excess earnings" on benefits for Social Security recipientsExpanded coverage of retirement and disability benefits, as well as mother and father's benefits, spousal and surviving spouse benefits, and children's benefitsTopics Covered:
Retirement & disability benefitsFiling for benefitsLoss of Social Security benefits due to "excess" retirement earningsSocial Security taxesRailroad Retirement benefitsBenefits for federal government employeesMedicare Part A, Hospital InsuranceMedicare Part B, Medical InsuranceMedicare Part C, Medicare AdvantageMedicare Part D, Prescription Drug InsuranceMedigap insuranceMedicaid coverage and eligibilityHow to submit Medicare claims and file appealsSocial Security coverageBenefit computationTaxation of Social Security benefitsWages & self-employment incomeBenefits for service members & veteransAnd More See the "Table of Contents" section for a full list of topicsRelated Subjects