Did you know that black people own less than 2% of America's assets despite being almost 15% of the population?
That includes cash, real estate, stocks, etc. And that's WITH a combined spending power of over $1.6 Trillion!
In this year's Guide to Black Generational Wealth you'll learn:
How family wealth affects learning about: Business succession planning and the reason why it's necessary About personal wealth management About tax planning and management About wealth accumulation in the black family The best passive income investments Creating passive income with vending machines, websites And the list goes on!An excellent gift to get for your friends and family! Each one teach one! 100% updated information!
Get the blueprint on how to create, grow, and preserve generational wealth.
Learn the tips and strategies for specific forms of passive income, including ecommerce, digital real estate, physical real estate, the and stock market.
Learn new ways to create passive income streams!