Enjoy these six winning short stories from the Riversong Short Story Contest, 2022. Unique, quirky, thought-provoking stories in various contemporary genres.
The contest and volume was run and edited by Neela Tudur -Klepfisch, editor and writer at Sulis International Press. A panel of six publishers, editors, authors, and book reviewers reviewed more than 30 finalists to choose the six winners.
"Redemption in the Thorny Thicket" by Sean Anderson. "6EQUJ4, Thank You Very Much " by Robert McDermott**"Coping with Covid-19 lockdown in Pretoria" by Nape Motana"So Rude" by Markus McDowell"Prep Work" by Susanne Perry"Jesus and Mayo" by Jack ToweRelated Subjects
Fantasy Fiction Humor Humor & Entertainment Literature & Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy