《威廉-克里传》详细介绍了威廉-克里的童年:热爱冒险,语言以及圣经学习。本书记述了他是如何学习希伯来语,希腊语,拉丁语并最终将圣经翻译成40种不同的语言。你会吃惊地看到他所创建的所有学院,以及他如何同时向印度教徒和穆斯林布道。他在印度做了40年的传教工作,为建立教会和寻找迷失的人而献身。威廉-克里被称为近代的"使徒保罗"和"现代传教之父"。他的人生角色有鞋匠、植物学家、翻译家、印染厂厂长。但最重要的是,他是耶稣基督福音的忠实见证人,他的事迹激励着像戴德生,耶德逊等无数后辈为了使命而付上代价。How did a humble shoemaker impact the world? "Faithful Witness" details William Carey's childhood: his love of adventure, languages, and Bible study. This book describes how he learned Hebrew, Greek, Latin and eventually translated the Bible into 40 different languages. You will be amazed to see all the colleges he founded and how he preached to both Hindus and Muslims. He spent 40 years as a missionary in India, dedicating his life to building churches and finding the lost.William Carey has been called the modern "Apostle Paul" and the "Father of Modern Missions." His life roles include shoemaker, botanist, translator, and director of a printing and dyeing factory. But most importantly, he was a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and his deeds inspired countless descendants like Hudson Taylor and Judson to pay the price for their mission.
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