a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
work excessively hard.
BEFORE you get offended by my use of the word "slave", understand that I am in no way referring to the institution of American Slavery that kept African Americans bound for so long NOR am I in any way downplaying the severity of that institution
The truth is that while those who were held bound by that institution were emancipated, a NEW slavery has creeped into existence.
In her book 33 Years A Slave, Author and Retired Slave Jennifer King takes an honest look at what held her bound into a life created more so by others than herself for so long.
And she asked that YOU take a look at YOUR life to see what chains are keeping YOU from living YOUR best life.
Chains such as:
Chains of FEAR - Allowing our fear of success or failure to keep us where we are
Chains of DOUBT - Seeing other people's success but doubting we can do the same
Other People's Chains - Being MORE worried about other people's thoughts than our own happiness
Chains of MONEY - Not having enough knowledge about abundance to know that it IS our birthright...and so we do without
And so many OTHER chains.
As you read this book, it is the author's hope that YOU see yourself in those chains and what could possibly be YOURS, if you were JUST to BREAK FREE
One Chain at a time.
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