Proper Education Group's 4 Practice Tests for the California Driver's Permit Test is a must-have all-in-one California learner permit test prep book.
This book contains 4 full length exams, each mirroring actual exam conditions by containing 184 carefully selected multiple choice questions based off of questions from previous exams in the past 10 years. With this complete guide you can save time reading through hundreds of pages of textbooks and study only the most common questions covered on the exams through practice exams.
California Driving Test Prep That is Proven to Work
184 questions covering topics like California traffic control, road signs, special driving conditions, parallel parking, road sharing, defensive driving, intersections, crash scenarios, and laws about driving under the influence.Drill the content to ensure you understand all of the important conceptsWork Smarter, Not Harder
Zero filler, only relevant content and explanations to help you pass the examAce the exam at the DMV in as little as 2 weeks by focusing on core CA driving topicsBonus chapter with a list of California's road signs to help you memorize all of them in rapid fire fashion
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