This book is for anyone seeking to put their thoughts and mind in the right place at the right time, to achieve their desires, whatever they may be. Are you desiring more money? Do you wish to overcome an addiction or a fear? Try this simple method to put your mindset in the right place so that the Universe will powerfully manifest your desires for you.
The power of the number 8 is well known in far Eastern culture. It is an undeniably important and powerful number to millions of people on the planet earth and many people in Western culture are just beginning to recognize its significance and power. The people who are currently familiar with the power of the number 8, use it in their lives in many untold ways. It can be found in everything from their selected phone numbers, passwords, lock combinations or even the asking price of a property or car they have for sale. The fact is, wherever and whenever they have a choice of numbers, they will make certain the number 8 is present if possible. As one historic example, when China hosted the world at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the opening ceremony officially began at 8:00 PM China Standard Time on August 8, 2008 or 08-08-08.
As another example, in Jewish thought, the number 8 is also very significant. The number seven represents the physical world which can be touched and sensed, as in "God created the Earth in 7 days". On the other hand, the number 8 represents that which exists beyond the physical world and transcends to the metaphysical. It represents that which cannot be seen, but is present and powerful. The number 8 represents that which stirs us from within.
It is indisputable that you become what your thoughts are. "You are what you think". Words become thoughts and thoughts become reality. New research studies are confirming this truth again and again. "Mindset" matters
For example, in a 2014 Study, researchers from Yale University and University of California, Berkeley set out to find out just how powerful negative -- or positive - stereotypes or perceptions of aging can be. The study, published in the journal, Psychological Science, found implicit exposure to positive words and associations with aging were shown to be more effective on physical abilities than a similar study which prescribed six months of only exercise.
Your thoughts will manifest into reality if they are a constant presence in your life and you really believe them. It is very true that "you are what you think" and visa versa. A negative person tends to attract negativity into his or her life. In contrast, a positive person attracts positivity. This is simple common sense right? Yes. However, our lives are very complicated and busy. Each of us experiences many different challenges in life that can either make this "common sense" of positive versus negative, easy to follow or extremely difficult.
The purpose of "8 Words" is to give you a simple tool to use during those difficult times of your life, to focus your thoughts in an effective and positive way, in a direction that will manifest what you want and need at any given time. Use this book and its various chapters to put your mind in the right mode and to over-power and defeat negativity and allow the Universe to flow in your direction, giving you the positive results which you desire.