Reclaim the Bible-based concept of marriage as a satisfying one-flesh relationship. A bestselling and definitive guide to marital intimacy for Christian couples, learn how to deepen sexual pleasure and enjoy God's gift of sexual intimacy with your spouse. It...
Dr. Douglas Rosenau is a licensed psychologist, and a Christian sex therapist who has for the past seventeen years used his training in theology and counseling to help Christian couples enrich and reclaim God's wonderful gift of sexuality within marriage. A Celebration of Sex...
A Celebration of Sex answers specific, often unasked questions about sexual topics, presents married couples with detailed techniques and behavioral skills for deepening sexual pleasure and intimate companionship, and is an excellent tool for premarital education. Topics include:...
Una Celebracion del Sexo contesta preguntas especificas acerca de temas sexuales que no se formulan a menudo. Dirigido a parejas casadas, muestra tecnicas detalladas y habilidades de comportamiento para profundizar el placer sexual y la compania intima.