Young and fearless Flossie lives on Harbour Island, a small outpost in the Bahamas known for its exquisite three-mile pink sand beach and for bonefishing, a catch-and-release enterprise that pits a determined angler against an inedible but powerful quarry. Flossie's dream is to go fishing with the legendary guide Bonefish Joe, a beloved island institution who picks up his wealthy clients at the dock and returns with them hours later still fishless but satisfied. One Sunday, after church, surprisingly Flossie's wish is granted and she and her friend discover the allure, the challenge, and the delights of hooking (and releasing) one of angling's greatest prizes. Diana Wege's lush and vibrant illustrations of the island, its inhabitants, its customs, and its architecture, bring this story alive, perfectly catching the character, culture, and charm of Harbour Island.