The protagonists of A flor de piel, torn between the passion to save the world and the need to save themselves, are like lights on the dark horizon of the end of an era. On November 30, 1803, a corvette set sail from the port of La Coru a amidst cheers and applause. Twenty-two orphaned children are traveling inside, whose mission is to take the newly discovered smallpox vaccine to the overseas territories, including the jewel in the crown: New Spain and its capital, Mexico. They are accompanied by Isabel Zendal, in charge of taking care of them. The heroes of this crazy expedition, led by the doctor Francisco Xavier Balmis and his assistant Josep Salvany, will survive storms and shipwrecks, face the opposition of the clergy, the corruption of the officers and the greed of those who seek to profit at the expense of the homeless. If in the end this adventure became the greatest humanitarian feat in history, it was due not only to the courage of those children who dedicated themselves to saving the lives of many people, but also to the courage of Balmis and Salvany, fearless men who fought for the love of the only woman on board.