"Deborah Graham, Alison Anderson and Stella Kavoukian have written an incredibly helpful book. Unlike other books on divorce, they start not with answers, or a flood of abstract general information, but instead with questions, and good ones, difficult and important ones that each of us needs to answer. If it is possible for a guide to divorce to be friendly, this book does it, without skimping on the details or offering platitudes instead of sound advice. The authors' separate areas of expertise track the questions we most seek answers to, and their breadth of experience and accumulated wisdom shine through. I recommend it highly."
Kenneth Cloke, author of Mediating Dangerously and The Dance of Opposites"Sensitive, thoughtful, practical guide for those seeking to limit the emotional and financial costs of separation and divorce."
Irwin S. Butkowsky, Ph.D., C. Psych. Psychologist"This guide is a comprehensive and practical tool for parents as they navigate the stresses of separation and divorce. It addresses common issues that parents struggle with including how to: explain divorce to children, provide appropriate emotional support, understand children's grief, select a child therapist and respond to children's reunification fantasies. It is an invaluable resource that will help parents support their child's healthy adjustment to divorce. Highly recommended!"
Liana Lowenstein, MSW, author of Creative Interventions for Children of Divorce and Cory Helps Kids Cope with Divorce"There are lots of books available to help people untangle the complexities of divorce - but the Guide to a Sensible Divorce is unique in that it reads like a simple question and answer guide while also providing comprehensive and critical information about the emotional, financial and legal aspects of a process that can be overwhelming. A great resource for anyone going through a separation/divorce."
Vivian Alterman MBA, CPA, CBVThe decisions that need to be made in the midst of a separation and divorce can lead to many questions. This guide provides clear and practical answers to the most commonly asked questions relating to parenting, legal, and financial issues that may arise, including tips on choosing the right process for you and what professionals you may need.
The authors have a combined 75+ years of experience in negotiation, mediation, and collaborative practice. Deborah (lawyer) provides a legal overview as well as negotiation tips and guidance on how to know when to settle. Stella (social worker/family professional) provides guidance on how to support your children, and what to consider when developing a parenting plan. Alison (financial professional) shows how you may be able to increase your combined family income, provides insight into the various financial decisions you may face, and offers ideas on sharing expenses for your children. These are just a few examples of the challenging issues separating couples may face, and the practical information the authors provide.