Three years after leaving their adopted home in New Zealand, and armed now with freshly-minted American green cards, the pair settle down for a year in Colorado. In the city of Boulder, the newly arrived journalists and nurses find themselves grappling with such slippery customers as political correctness, prairie dogs, the tax man, the effects of altitude and more trashy television channels than can possibly be good for you.
Next the nomadic Nelsons return to England for 10 more months of hilarious house and pet-sitting with Animal Aunts--plenty long enough to appreciate that when it comes to the British and their animals, it's not just the dogs that are barking. Frank and Maria also find time to explore France and Spain besides taking trips to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Mexico.
Finally it's back to the States, this time to check out those crazy Californians in sunny San Diego. World travel as a way of life is a hell of a job, but somebody's got to do it...
"This very funny sequel to All You Need is Luck crackles with dry British humour and will delight travellers the world over."
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