They will turn a barren planet into a refuge forlife.
Or die trying.
On board the interstellar ship, Theodore wakes from forty years ofsuspended animation, eager to transform a barren, rocky planet into aliving world.
The plan: move an icy asteroid billions of miles, convert the iceinto new seas and a breathable atmosphere, then seed the surface withlife.
But some among the crew want to speed up the process. By taking riskswith nuclear explosives. A dangerous revision, but one supported by themission's commander.
Competing plans divide the crew into rival factions. With Earthlyhelp over eight light-years away, Theodore must search alone for alliesamong oppressed workers, spiritual advisors, and the ship's artificialintelligence to save the mission-and stop the commander from seizingabsolute power.
Scientists and politicians, ideals and tyranny clash when the hiddenagendas of Theodore, his foes, his friends, and the ship's AI revealthemselves in a riveting, ultimate confrontation.