My kids ask to read this book over and over again. It is such a simple story, but young children are delighted to watch as the apple gets smaller.
My 2 year old found this book at a friend's house and asked me to read it to her several times. Now, a month later, she asks me to tell her the story about the little mouse all the time. When we go to her tumbling class, she finds the biggest ball, and tries to push it through the different equipment, like the mouse pushing the apple into his hole. Then she asks me to tell her the story again, and she looks for smaller...
Every now and then you find a book which is delightful as it is sweet. This book follows the adventures of a mouse who is looking for a new house for herself and her apple. There are cut out holes between the pages which show scenes from outside and inside the other animals homes and really add to the adventure. An instant classic and one which is sure to become your children's favorite!