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HistoryI have great respect for Lydia Bach. Unlike Callan, she named her method after its creator, ballerina Lotte Berk, and demonstrated the famous exercises with grace and elegance. The photographs are beautiful and do not fail to capture the enjoyment this method of exercise produces. As for the exercises, to me they are miraculous. I highly recommend this book, it is almost a collector's item for Lotte Berk method aficionados...
I found this book and exercises at a time in my life when I was a new mother with a back problem. I turned to this book as a last resort. My experience: I lost weight, got in shape, and strengthened my back. I've had no back problems for the past 17 years. 20 minutes of my time for at least 2-3 times a week. One does not need to be in shape to do the exercises. One needs to be patient and take the time to learn each...