In A Nutrition Evolution, Elizabeth Kahn explores why Americans are confused about food and nutrition and offers clear information about the fundamentals of nutrition--helping readers make healthy, rational choices based on knowledge. Kahn also offers information on how to use integrative medicine and natural healing in achieving better health and encourages consumers to instigate change in America's infrastructure so achieving sustainable good health becomes easier.
After a visit to a nutritionist dramatically improved Kahn's health, she experienced a paradigm shift about eating and wellness. She subsequently became a nutrition consultant and educator as well as a passionate advocate for change. Kahn inspires a shift in not only how we approach our own eating habits but how we view food manufacturers, school cafeterias, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, insurance companies, and the healthcare, political and educational systems in this country.
A lot has happened since the 2011 publication of A Nutrition Revolution: Uncover the Mysteries of Nutrition, and this book will illuminate the path forward from where we are now. From Paleo to Plant Based diets, A Nutrition Evolution will clear up the noise and confusion about the latest diet fads, and what we should be eating. The reader will have a better understanding of nutrition so they can eat just about whatever they want, without sabotaging their health goals. The key is balance But how do we get there...this book will lead the way forward
Kahn asks the big questions; challenges the status quo, sparks critical thinking; encourages and educates the reader about how and why to make healthy food choices.