In strong, unadorned prose, Nurse T chronicles her experience from January, 2020, when the first reports of a "novel virus" in China cause her concern, to the first cases trickling in to her hospital, to the avalanche of patients that soon overwhelm them. Her account of frantic efforts to save the patients is sometimes grim, always touching.
This veteran ICU nurse's diary is also the story of a large New York City hospital that serves a poor population, mainly immigrants and people of color. The aging infrastructure, inadequate supplies and lack of bold, effective response to the pandemic all come to light in her diary.
But the stories are not all tragic. There are moments of triumph and precious expressions of humor. And through it we see the solidarity and courage of the hospital workers who ventured back day after day, night after night, to fight a losing battle.
ph and precious expressions of humor. And through it we see the solidarity and courage of the hospital workers who ventured back day after day, night after night, to fight a losing battle.
The diary includes Meditations and Writing Exercises that will help health care and other essential workers heal their broken hearts.