In the heart of a lively town, a whimsical contest is brewing, and everyone seems to be enjoying the spectacle-especially a greasy little pig who's having the time of its life.
Angela, a determined young girl, has her eyes set on winning this pig. But there's a challenge in her path: Bruce, the town bully, also wants the prize. Can Angela muster the courage and wit to outsmart Bruce and claim the pig as her own?
Join Angela on this delightful journey filled with laughter, determination, and unexpected friendships. A Pig and a Poke is a charming tale that teaches children the importance of perseverance, fairness, and standing up for oneself, all wrapped up in a fun and engaging story.
Themes and Topics:
Perfect for classroom discussions and bedtime stories, A Pig and a Poke is a delightful read that will inspire and entertain children and parents alike.