Young mateys will find plenty of holiday joy in this humorous, colorful, and thoroughly piratical version of the beloved Clement C. Moore classic. On this ship of mischievous brigands--who have visions of treasure chests, not sugarplums, dancing in their heads--you wouldn't expect...
Philip Yates' rollicking rhymes and Sebasti Serra's sprightly, fun-filled pictures turn this Christmas perennial into a jubilant celebration. Now in board The stockin's were stuck to the bowsprit with tar,
In hopes that Sir Peggedy soon would...
Twas the night before Christmas aboard the Black Sark. Not a creature was stirrin', not even a shark!
Twas the night before Christmas aboard the Black Sark,
Not a creature was stirrin, not even a shark!
Come aboard, young mateys, for a humorous, colorful, and thoroughly piratical retelling of The Night Before Christmas! On a ship of mischievous brigands--who...