Although it lacks scholarly citation and in-depth analysis, this book sizzles. Sometimes a small, compact, hard-hitting, concisely-worded book is exactly what the doctor ordered. If you are sick of theoretical softies telling you the environment is this or that, look no farther. This book takes dead aim at actual polluters and the stinky cloud of facts that surround them. Bull's Eye!!!
Here in northern Nevada we live in an ecological ruin, courtesy of the big mining companies, which have gouged out the mountains and poisoned what pass for rivers in these parts. But who owns these companies? And how do they keep getting away with it? This book will tell you. I was surprised to learn that one of the biggest mining companies in Nevada, American Barrick, was actually a Canadian company and the former President...
A Pocket Guide to Environmental Bad Guys is a sharply-written profile of how American liberty & justice and our planet is being killed off. Written by two top-notch investigative reporters, James Ridgeway of the Village Voice and Jeffrey St. Clair of CounterPunch, the book is filled with horrifying tales of eco-pillage and disturbing photos and graphics, including Dewer's profiles of corporate pirates such as Charles...
"A Pocket Guide to Environmental Bad Guys" (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press) by James Ridgeway and Jeffrey St. ClairA Review by Michael DonnellyThe Earth isn't dying. It's being killed and the people doing the killing have names, faces and corporations they hide behind and we intend to tell you who they are and how they do it. That about sums up the premise and promise of the new book, "Environmental Bad Guys" by James...
In the dominant celebrity culture, explanations of societal phenomena that focus on institutions, laws and processes tend not to resonate with the public. Increasingly, it seems, events and trends are understood and reported as the products of individuals: Bill Gates creates the computer revolution, Boris Yeltsin leads Russia to a purported democracy, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, flanked by Federal Reserve Chair Alan...