Since 1975, Robert M. Julien's A Primer of Drug Action has been the definitive guide to the effects of psychoactive drugs on the brain and on behavior.
Takes an objective look at the major classes of psychoactive drugs and their effects on the body, brain, and behaviour. Robert Julien provides tho rough coverage of the actions, uses, limitations, and side effects of drugs that affect the Central Nervous System.
The 1997 edition which surveys the psychoactive drugs currently available and looks at their effects on the brain and behaviour. Aimed at students of pharmacology, neuropsychopharmacology and psychology.
Takes an objective look at the major classes of psychoactive drugs and their effects on the body, brain, and behaviour. Robert Julien provides thorough coverage of the actions, uses, limitations and side effects of drugs that affect the central nervous system.
Julien (St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Oregon) celebrates 25 years of his reference, first published in 1975 and most recently in 1998, on substances that alter mood, thought processes, or behavior or that are used to manage neuropsychological illness. For readers with only...
This definitive guide to the effects of psychoactive drugs on the brain and behaviour has been updated to yet again make it the most current book on drugs available today. Redesigned as a more effective teaching tool, the new edition provides enhanced pedagogy throughout. A Primer...
Takes an objective look at the major classes of psychoactive drugs and their effects on the body, brain, and behaviour. Robert Julien provides thorough coverage of the actions, uses, limitations, and side effects of drugs that affect the Central Nervous System.