Tau, a brave young lion cub, lives on the African savanna with his mother and two brothers. When his brothers are taken by poachers, Tau fears for their lives. Though his mother tells him to simply "hope for the best," Tau is resolved to rescue his siblings. He strikes out to do just that, in time learning a great deal about his lion world while discovering a lot more than he bargained for
A "Tail" of Three Lions is part of the Environmental Heroes Series about animals and their survival. These stories take children on adventures that will help them understand more about the natural world.
Green Kids Club is a series of picture books designed to teach young children the importance of environmental stewardship, protecting habitats, animal life, and human life. Difficult environmental issues that impact animals and social interaction are brought into the storylines. Examples include habitat encroachment, poaching, and extinction. These full color illustrated stories also have a science section, photos, and facts about the adventure animals.