Science has shown the universe to be vastly larger, more intricately designed, and much older than early people imagined. One group of Christians, young earth creationists, claim that the earth is only about six thousand years old and that earth's rock record was largely laid down by one catastrophic event, Noah's flood. Stephen Mitchell, a Christian geologist, uses the geology of Texas and nearby areas to show solid evidence that demonstrates that the young earth explanations for geology just do not stand up. Many features that we find just do not fit the history that they say took place. Does that mean that the Bible accounts are invalid? Not at all Stephen examines four questions that fundamentally show how the scientific data corresponds to the early chapters of Genesis:
- Can the Bible be reconciled with the scientific understanding of time?
- Can the story of Adam and Eve be reconciled with the scientific data?
- Is the biblical account of Noah's flood a record of a real historical event?
- If so, when was it and what might it have looked like?