For ten years it has been my pleasure to write articles on the leading hymns and hymn- writers for The Christian Endeavor World, one a month. These hymns were suggested as memory hymns for the Christian Endeavor societies, the hymns to be sung from memory in the meetings, and the facts regarding their writers to be stated to the young people. The considerable amount of hymn lore thus collected is here presented in permanent form for the use of pastors, church workers, young people's societies, and all lovers of hymns.
No claim is made to originality; only a few of these chapters consist of material here presented for the first time; most of the book is collected from a large number of volumes. The usefulness of the book will spring from the wide range of hymn literature which has been examined, the most interesting and inspiring facts being collated for this volume. A knowledge of the authors of our hymns, and of the stirring incidents connected with the use of them, cannot fail to make the hymns more precious to every Christian.
The one hundred and twenty hymn-writers here treated include the greatest of these poets, and many of the lesser writers. In each case all their most important hymns are named, while one hymn, usually the most famous and beloved, is selected for printing in full.
I can have no happier wish for this book than that it may bring the same pleasure and profit to its readers that the writing of it has brought to me.
Boston, Mass.