So many Christians, instead of accepting God's invitation to enter His throne room, stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He has offered...
Using Jesus' words in John 15, "I am the vine; you are the branches," Andrew Murray explores how the believer abides in Christ. In a message as timely today as when first published in 1895, he urges readers to yield themselves to Jesus, in order that they may know the "rich and...
Here are thirty-one heart-warming readings that show you how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with Jesus. In just five minutes each day, Abide In Christ will be sure to bless and encourage you as fall in love with Jesus as He is revealed to us throughout Scripture...
Growing Disciples Series: Abide in Christ is a Bible study based on Andrew Murray s "The True Vine" and delivered in a contemporary, interactive format. This 6-session study is designed for new and growing believers in Jesus Christ to learn the secrets of victorious living and...
"Remain in My Love" --John 15:9
Many Christians go to church each week burdened by guilt and shame, believing they are unworthy of God's full love. In Abide in Christ, Andrew Murray reminds every Christian that God promises His constant presence with them.
DO YOU DESIRE TO EXPERIENCE MORE AWE AND INTIMACY WITH THE LORD? In this timeless classic, Dutch Reformed Pastor Andrew Murray probes scripture and the life of Christ in order to teach us how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with the Son of God. So many Christians,...
So many Christians, instead of accepting God's invitation to enter His throne room, stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He has offered...
There are 31 heart searching readings to daily bring you into closer communion and fellowship with the Son of God.
"The great thing in prayer is to feel that we are putting our supplications into the bosom of omnipotent love." ― Andrew Murray - Includes Paintings of Christ Our Savior, and Images of Andrew Murray
Written in 1888, "Abide in Christ" is Andrew Murray's beautiful and inspiring spiritual guide to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. While born in South Africa in 1828, as Murray's father was a Dutch Reformed Church missionary sent from Scotland, Murray...
I pray earnestly that our gracious Lord may be pleased to bless this little book, to help those who seek to know Him fully. I pray still more earnestly that He would, by whatever means, make the multitudes of His dear children who are still living divided lives see how He claims...
I pray earnestly that our gracious Lord may be pleased to bless this little book, to help those who seek to know Him fully. I pray still more earnestly that He would, by whatever means, make the multitudes of His dear children who are still living divided...
Andrew Murray was a South African pastor and a well read author of Christian literature by all denominations. Murray wrote over 200 books including Christian classics such as Abide in Christ and Absolute Surrender.
During the life of Jesus on earth, the word He chiefly used when speaking of the relations of the disciples to Himself was: "Follow me." When about to leave for heaven, He gave them a new word, in which their more intimate and spiritual union with Himself in glory should be expressed...