The book examines the theme of acquiescence and resistance in Nadine Gordimer's fiction of the apartheid era in South Africa. The Afrikaner National Party came to power in South Africa in 1948. Since then successive white minority governments of South Africa had enacted and implemented apartheid laws to dominate and rule the majority black population.
Many white liberals fought against the apartheid regime. Nadine Gordimer is one such white
author and activist who has been a bitter critic of apartheid throughout her life. As an artist who is deeply committed to society, she has created a body of fiction that displays a culture of
resistance to the dehumanizing apartheid laws. Gordimer has not only highlighted the issue of
apartheid but she has expressed her voice of dissent through her work -both fictional and non-fictional. This study argues that Gordimer has provided through her work an alternative
discourse to resist apartheid.