Building on the success of five previous editions, this new sixth edition continues to present a unified approach to the study of the behavior of structural members and the development of design and failure criteria. The text treats each type of structural member in sufficient...
Updated and reorganized, each of the topics is thoroughly developed from fundamental principles. The assumptions, applicability and limitations of the methods are cleary discussed. Includes such advanced subjects as plasticity, creep, fracture, mechanics, flat plates, high cycle...
Presents a detailed analysis of fundamental concepts of mechanics and their application to engineering problems. New information on failure criteria, unsymmetrical bending of straight beams, flat plates, and the finite element method is presented. Revised edition also includes...
Updated and reorganized, each of the topics is thoroughly developed from fundamental principles. The assumptions, applicability and limitations of the methods are cleary discussed. Includes such advanced subjects as plasticity, creep, fracture, mechanics, flat plates, high cycle...