See a sneak peek of the new edition coming in December 2021
This guide synthesizes the administrative details for AEPS(R) in one convenient volume. Professionals will find
a step-by-step "Quick Start" section that makes AEPS easier for new usersguidelines on linking assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluationclear, detailed instructions on collecting data, translating test results into IFSP/IEP goals and objectives, and monitoring child progressideas for encouraging family participation and fostering team collaborationdetails on the psychometric properties of AEPSphotocopiable data recording formscutoff scores associated with AEPS Test results that provide a corroborating second source for a child's eligibility for services
Comprehensive and easy to read, this guide gives professionals the knowledge they need to use AEPS accurately and effectively.
View our recorded webinar: Reliable Assessment and Effective Programming with AEPS (R) presented by Kevin Warg.
This volume is part of the bestselling AEPS system for children from birth to six years who have disabilities or are at risk for developmental delays. Thousands of programs across the country rely on AEPS for comprehensive, seamlessly linked assessment, evaluation, intervention, and programming. AEPS is criterion-referenced and curriculum-based, and with web-based data management through AEPSi(TM), it's easier than ever to assess young children and ensure that they make real progress.
Learn more about the entire AEPS family of products, including the web-based management system AEPSi.