AI for Community explores the transformative potential of technology to bridge cultural divides and responsibly preserve cultural heritage, while thoughtfully considering how to ensure fairness without any ideological or cultural bias. It acknowledges the need for careful scrutiny of traditions so that artificial intelligence (AI) systems can promote comprehensive cultural understanding. This approach underscores the promise of AI as a tool for human flourishing.
Authored by a multigenerational, multicultural team, this book presents real-world examples and ethical insights that are timely, actionable, and deeply human-centered. It introduces pioneering projects like the Indigenous Knowledge Graph, which documented ancestral wisdom; Howard University's Project Elevate Black Voices, funded by Google, which enhanced speech recognition for African American Vernacular English (AAVE); and Laleh AI, which posthumously preserves the insights of a progressive female Islamic thinker. Also, initiatives like UNESCO's work on cultural heritage preservation and NVIDIA's collaboration with Te Hiku Media to safeguard the Māori language showcase AI's vital role in reviving endangered languages.
This book interweaves "Community Voices" sections between chapters, featuring interviews that explore the role and implementation of AI in new arenas. Each chapter is also supported by online resources, accessible as podcasts, videos, and articles that provide multimedia ways to deepen understanding of culturally aware AI.
AI for Community highlights how community-driven language preservation, storytelling, and inclusive design can empower cultures and protect their heritage. This book is a vital resource for those seeking to create AI that respects and uplifts communities.