I just happened to find the book once before in a discount bookstore. The story interested me, and so I picked up the book. What a story this girl has to tell. I recently saw a play on the life of Hank Williams, and decided I needed to read it again. It's an amazing story about this girl who was adopted, and did not learn her true identity until almost 30 years later. It's also an amazing story of all the hurdles...
Very well written story about how they tried to destroy a life twice. First, her biological family tried to send her into oblivion via adoption thereby possibly she might never have known her real father and legacy. Then her adoptive mother disinherited which was a double whammy she sure didn't need when her adoptive father certainly intended to take care of her just like her biological father had intended to. But Jett Williams...
Jett Williams' story is the sort of tale for soap opera fodder, only better, because it's based on true life. This book has everything...fame, sex, sabotage, covertness, secrets, lies, legal battles...and all within the same family. It's sad to know that the family of such an inspiring talent as Hank Williams, Sr., could stoop to such cruelty and greed...and even more amazing that Jett was able to rise above it all, claim...