See how Akron, Ohio, rode the economic roller coaster but overcame several adversities and remained a major force in many industries.
Best known as the "Rubber Capital of the World," Akron, Ohio, was a major player in varioius industries long before Benjamin F. Goodrich moved there in 1870. From humble canal town to global industry giant, Akron rode the economic roller coaster through the Depression, wars, strikes, and financial booms. As a major manufacturing center of everything from sewer pipe to matches to oatmeal, Akron lured prospective workers from other towns, states, and even countries. This lively mix of diverse cultures helped to create Akron's unique beauty and boundless spirit.
Akron, Ohio, examines this special blend of industry, culture, tight-knit neighborhoods, and high society through historic photographs and images - some of which have not been seen ... until now