How can you escape the Past when it holds the steering wheel?
Izzy is born into extreme privilege but she's not the expected beautiful child. She's a mess. A mishmash. More like a collage than a normal human. Different kinds of hair, skin tones, eye colors, and body types. Seems like her DNA didn't get mixed.
At eighteen, Izzy implements her plan to save her ten-year-old brother from his predestined life as a rich white jerk-by kidnapping him. Absconding with the boy on this crazy road-trip mission, she doesn't count on the interference of a badass motorcycle racing chick, a suffragette, a 1940s Fr ulein, a gay southern gentleman, a gold-rush prostitute, a pregnant Scottish immigrant, and a WWII German soldier-each with their own agenda.
Traumas of sexual assault, starvation, disasters, and violence are seared into Izzy's genes, and with the ancestors out for revenge, her life is in jeopardy. Or is she completely nuts?
ALL MY ANCESTORS HAD SEX is a surreal journey of self-discovery and healing told with compassion, humor, and humanity.