I read this book 20 years ago when I first started a working bar band. I took the advice seriously and put the principles to work. Within 6 months my band was working 7 days a week playing weddings, bars, sweet 16s birthday parties, block parties. To say we were a successful cover band is an understatement. I've since retired from the music scene and am venturing on a new chapter in my life and am so happy I found this book...
Whenever I pick up a "self-help" book, I'm always skeptical. I think, "Okay, I've been around the block before, so what can you teach me?" In this case, Williams can teach you a lot. After reading this book, you'll feel like you can walk into the lion's den with a string of raw meat hanging from your neck and come out a winner. But as Williams warns, success is not easy. It's not for people who give up, who listen to...
To win in life you must first know the winning strategies. In All You Can Do is All You Can Do, Art Williams has put together strategies to make you successful in business and in life.
Take it from the man who made the impossible possible. Starting with a $10,500 salary and outselling the Insurance giants like Pru and Met! Educating the general public to the folly of cash value insurance, "buy term and invest the rest" great strategy.I particularly like Art Williams philosophy of being devoted to a cause, having a goal that is bigger than yourself.Great book. All sales and network marketing people must read...
A. L. Williams shows in this book how average and ordinary people can do extraordinary things. This book gives examples of people who have followed Williams' simple steps and succeeded far beyond even their own thoughts and feelings could imagine. AYCDIAYCD is truly a book that gives anyone from any walk-of-life or educational background the hope to achieve the dreams. If your life is not going the way you think it should...