"DuQuette's enthusiastic recommendations and heartfelt analyses will inspire any reader interested in the occult." -- Publishers Weekly
A guided tour to the occult and esoteric worlds from a beloved author and scholar
For over 30 years Lon Milo DuQuette has written incisively about the tarot, magick, Qabalah, and divination and provided introductory material for the most renowned authors on these topics, such as Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, John Dee, Frater Achad, Rodney Orpheus, H. P. Lovecraft, Phyllis Seckler, John Michael Greer, Susan Montag, Donald Michael Kraig, and many others.
Considered as a whole this collection of writings provides an invaluable introduction to many aspects and personalities of the occult and esoteric worlds by one of the foremost authorities on such arcane subjects.
Collected here are Lon's best writings, each crafted with an eye toward the importance and immortality of the work with his studied insight and scholarship, along with his renowned sense of humor.
Phyllis Richman is a many-faceted woman. She wrote restaurant reviews that were outstanding for The Washington Post. She has written articles for Gourmet Magazine. She has written several mysteries weaving the food scene with the storyline. Phyllis, when can we expect your next book and isn't there a screenplay in the offing? She also sits on the prestigious James Beard Committee for culinary awards. When I think of restaurants,...
What a good read for a long weekend. This was a spontaneous purchase because I liked the title. I figured that the author had a sense of humor. Boy! Does she?! This is a nice moving book with lots of insider information on the food industry as well as inside the beltway. The characters are well-rounded (and not perfect). I liked every character and did not want a single one of them to be the "dirty guy." The ...
Death of a great chef. Cause heart attack. But Chas Wheatly feels it is more than that. We get to read about great foods and life of a food critic. Keeps you guessing. Just when you think you might have it a curveball is thrown in. Hard to put down. Love the recipe at the end. Easy for us who are not chefs.
What a great first novel from Phyllis Richman! It pulled me in on page one and held my attention through the last page, and I honestly hated to see it end. It not only held my interest as a mystery, but was informative into the workings of the restaurant industry. I hope this is just the beginning of a series of "Chas" mysteries.
THE BUTTER DID IT is a fun read from the first page. As a fan of mystery and cooking I enjoyed the romp through the professional world of food. Ms Richman obviously knows her business and her witty style keeps you turning the pages. The title suggests an author with a sense of humor and her story confirms your expectations. I eagerly look forward to Ms Richman's next adventure with Chas and friends in their tasty world...