Alzheimers Activities: Easy Memory Brain Games for Adults, Seniors, and Dementia/ Alzheimer Patients
In this book, you will find great dementia activities for seniors, adults, and Alzheimers patients.
Your brain is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and as we get older, making sure we keep our brain active to very beneficial.
This book has a great variety of activities for seniors, Alzheimer/ Dementia patient, or any adult that wants to exercise their minds.
What type of activities are included?
Large print word search books for seniors books
Large print crossword puzzle books for seniors
Memory games for seniors
Other brain games for adults with dementia
Who is this book for?
Gifts for dementia patients
Gifts for senior women
Gifts for seniors in assisted living
Dementia products for seniors
Crossword Puzzles for seniors
Gifts for senior men
Gifts for people with dementia/ alzheimers
Gifts for seniors with dementia
Alzheimers gifts for women
Gifts for senior citizens
Gifts for seniors
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