One essay argues that the Left has ceded its political vision--forgoing active political organization in favor of simply voicing political criticism of the president--allowing its activist sensibilities and abilities to atrophy. Others explore the Bush administration, its masterful machtpolitik (power politics), its strategic feminization of its opposition, its aggressive expansion of executive-branch powers, and its flirtation with what some have labeled American fascism or totalitarianism; still others reflect on how the Left has insulated itself from both reality and politics. A contributor from South Africa draws parallels between apartheid proponents and their tactics and President Bush. Others analyze "Bush II" as the leader of the Christian Right, as a skillful exploiter and manipulator of the mainstream media, as the chief spokesman for "evangelical capitalism," and as the world's most powerful lobbyist for corporate interests.
Contributors. Wendell Berry, Michael B rub , Timothy Brennan, Sharad Chari, Matthew A. Crenson, Ariel Dorfman, Thomas L. Dumm, Keya Ganguly, Benjamin Ginsberg, Pierre Guerlain, Stephen Hartnett, Dana D. Nelson, Chris Newfield, Melissa A. Orlie, Stanley G. M. Ridge, Larry Schehr, Nikhil Singh, Neil Smith, Laura Ann Stengrim