A nice edition with 18 original illustrations. An Antarctic Mystery (French: Le Sphinx des glaces) was written in 1897, in response to Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It follows the adventures of the narrator...
Jules Verne was born in 1828 into a French lawyering family in the Atlantic coastal city of Nantes. Though his father sent him off to a Paris law school, young Jules had been writing on the side since his early teens, and his pet topics were the theater, travel, and science...
Jeorgling, un enigm tico y extra o estadounidense se encuentra en las islas Kerguelen realizando estudios que s lo l conoce. Al finalizar, busca regresar a los Estados Unidos por el medio que sea. El nico barco que pasa por la zona es comandado por el capit n Len Guy, el cual...
La esfinge de los hielos ("Le sphinx des glaces") fue publicada por fasc?culos desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15 de diciembre de 1897 en la revista Magasin d'?ducation et de R?cr?ation ('magaz?n de ilustraci?n y recreo'), y como libro el 24 de junio de ese mismo a?o.Trata de la...
No doubt the following narrative will be received with entire incredulity, but I think it well that the public should be put in possession of the facts narrated in "An Antarctic Mystery." The public is free to believe them or not, at its good pleasure. No more appropriate...
La historia de Arthur Gordon Pym, narrada por Edgar Allan Poe parece ser cierta cuando el capitan Len Guy recibe algunas pistas durante sus investigaciones acerca de la suerte corrida por su hermano y su barco, el Jane, donde Arthur Gordon Pym se encontraba en el momento de su...
AN ANTARCTIC MYSTERY BY JULES VERNE KEY FEATURES OF THIS BOOK This book includes original artwork Unabridged original content Available in multiple formats: eBook, original paperback, large print paperback and hardcover Easy-to-read 16 pt. LARGE font size for ease of reading...
Jules Verne (1828-1905) is one of the most recognizable names in Western literature, coming to be known as one of the Fathers of Science-Fiction. Although he studied to be a lawyer and held stock trading jobs, he quickly learned that he had a knack for weaving adventurous stories...
But strange as the journey may be, it's nowhere near as strange as what they will find waiting at its end. Neither Poe nor Verne had actually visited the remote Kerguelen Islands, located in the south Indian Ocean, but their works are some of the few literary...
The story is set in 1839, eleven years after the events in Arthur Gordon Pym, one year after the publication of that book.The narrator is a wealthy American Jeorling, who has entertained himself with private studies of the wildlife on the Kerguelen Islands and is now looking...
La trama es t pica del g nero: El capit n Len Guy, al mando de la goleta "Halbrane", pone rumbo al Polo Sur para intentar rescatar a los supervivientes de la nave "Jane Patterson" que, al mando de su hermano, el otro capit n Guy, protagonizaron una peligrosa, pero interesante...
No doubt the following narrative will be received: with entire incredulity, but I think it well that the public should be put in possession of the facts narrated in "An Antarctic Mystery." The public is free to believe them or not, at its good pleasure.No more appropriate scene...
An Antarctic Mystery (French: Le Sphinx des glaces, 'The Sphinx of the Ice Fields'), is an 1897 adventure novel by Jules Verne and is a response to Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It follows the adventures of the narrator and his...
In the year 1839, Mr. Jeorling, whose geological and mineralogical research have led him to the Kerguelen sub-Antarctic archipelago in the Indian Ocean, sets sail on the "Halbrane", whose captain Len Guy is obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe's novel "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon...
An Antarctic Mystery, also known also as The Sphinx of the Ice Fields, is an 1897, novel by Jules Verne and is a sequel to Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket which was published in 1838. It follows the adventures of the narrator and his journey...
Decades after Edgar Allan Poe's longest and weirdest tale, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, was published--the protagonist disappearing into the misty, mystifying Antarctic seas; his fate unknown--Jules Verne took up the challenge to answer what had happened to him...
Unver?nderter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1898.