Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...
Nate Heller returns to uncover the secrets of the most infamous unsolved murder in Hollywood history-and it's his most acclaimed case to date. "A unique private eye series [with a] believable, enduring, hard-boiled hero...Amazing...seamlessly blend[s] fact and fiction." (The...
Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...
Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...
Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect place for a honeymoon...and the worst possible time for a murder. Vacationing private investigator Nate Heller finds himself a suspect in the LAPD's investigation of the notorious Black Dahlia murder case. Problem is the butchered...