Angels, demons, and demigods are ubiquitous in popular culture, functioning as protagonists, antagonists, and amused commentators on the folly (or glory) of human existence. Why do these celestial beings hold such enduring power in the human imagination? How do we conceive of angels and what do they mean to us? What are common characteristics of demons and devils, and how do they interplay with human beings? What are demigods, and how do they negotiate the world? This comprehensive reference work answers these and other questions through the lens of popular culture, helping us understand how and why these archetypes are so often used in storytelling.
This resource surveys how these powerful archetypes have been presented in film, television, literature, and music. Each entry provides essential information about the work in question, such as the plot, primary characters, and critical reputation, as well as perspectives on how these non-human characters have been used by their creators to comment on a wide array of issues related to human nature, religious belief, and the triumphs and tribulations of human existence. Some of these depictions are lighthearted and irreverent romantic comedies while others are somber representations freighted with reflections about life, death, and the afterlife. Angels, Demons, and Demigods covers them all, from The Good Place to Paradise Lost.