Introduction.- Jozef Keulartz & Bernice Bovenkerk; Changing relationships with non-human animals in the Anthropocene.- Part 1. Between human and animal.- 1. Anita Guerrini; Deep history, evolutionary history, and animals in the Anthropocene.- 2. Sanne van der Hout; Organisms as teachers? The promise of biomimicry.- 3. Eva Meijer; Interspecies democracies.- 4. Michiel Korthals; Human-animal interfaces from a pragmatist perspective.- 5. Simon Burton & Emily Brady; What is it like to be a bird? Epistemic Humility and Human-Animal Relations.- 6. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and Susan McCarthy: Unfeeling Brutes.- 7. Comments: Henk van den Belt; Between human and animal.- Part 2. Between wild and domestic.- 8. Clare Palmer; Climate change, ethics, and the wildness of wild animals.- 9. Bernice Bovenkerk; Animal captivity: justifications for animal Captivity in the context of domestication.- 10. Jac. A.A. Swart; care for the wild in the Anthropocene.- 11. Martin Drenthen; The wolf and the animal lover.-12. Susan Boonman; Blurred boundaries in wildlife management practices.- 13. Comments: Sue Donaldson & Will Kymlicka; Between wildness and domestication: Rethinking categories and boundaries in response to animal agency.- Part 3. Between freedom and captivity.- 14. Jozef Keulartz; Towards an animal ethics for the Anthropocene.- 15. Aaron Simmons; Animals, freedom, and the ethics of veganism.- 16. T.J. Kasperbauer; Should captive primates have reproductive rights?.- 17. Sabrina Brando; Wild animals in entertainment.- 18. Comments: Clemens Driessen.- Part 4. Between animal ethics and conservation ethics.- 19. Jozef Keulartz; Captivity for conservation? Zoos at a Crossroads (reprint).- 20. Brendon Larson & Stephanie Barr; The flights of the monarch butterfly: Between in situ and ex situ conservation.- 21. Bernice Bovenkerk & Marcel Verwey; Blurring the Boundaries Between Individualistic Animal Ethics and Holistic Environmental Ethics.- 22. Daniel Ramp & Marc Bekoff; Compassion as a practical and evolved ethic for conservation (reprint).- 23. Comments: Hub Zwart; We all live in a planetary Ark (planetary Ark, planetary Ark....).