If Gerald Brosseau Gardner is the father of the religion that calls itself Wicca, then Charles Godfrey Leland is the grandfather of Witchcraft as a religion in the English-speaking world, and his small book, Aradia , is that religion's birth-announcement. It is the first work...
"Diana greatly loved her brother Lucifer, the god of the Sun and of the Moon, the god of Light, who was so proud of his beauty, and who for his pride was driven from Paradise. . . . She spun the lives of all men; all things were spun from the wheel of Diana. Lucifer turned the...
Before Gerald Gardner ever thought to write his first book, there was an explorer named Charles Leland who felt he could discover and preserve the secrets of Italian Witchcraft. Leland's original quest was to make contact with practicing Italian Witches. After years of trying...
If Gerald Brosseau Gardner is the father of the religion that calls itself Wicca, then Charles Godfrey Leland is the grandfather of Witchcraft as a religion in the English-speaking world, and his small book, Aradia, is that religion's birth-announcement. It is the...
Aradia is perhaps the first 20th century text of Witchcraft revival. It is repeatedly cited as being profoundly influential to the development of Wicca. The text corroborates the thesis of Margaret Murray that early modern and Renaissance witchcraft represented...
Charles G. Leland's 19th-century book on Italian witchcraft and sorcery has become one of the primary source-texts for the witchcraft revival. Leland's Italian informant Maddalena reveals evocations, conjurations, spells, rites, and charms of operative magic from the peasants...
"Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches" is a classic text written by Charles Leland in the late 19th century. The book is a collection of spells, incantations, and rituals from Italian witchcraft traditions, and it explores the mythology and origins of witchcraft. At its...
While researching regional folklore in Tuscany during the late 19th Century, American folklorist Charles Leland was given a hand written document, the "Vangel", by a mysterious woman named Maddelena. Allegedly, this was the last recorded remnants of an ancient Roman folk witchcraft...
Explore Italian witch-lore's creation, witch-meeting (treguenda), magical recipes for love and good fortune in this wonderful book. Unveil Diana's Moon-fairy connection.
Before Gerald Gardner ever thought to write his first book, there was an explorer named Charles Leland who felt he could discover and preserve the secrets of Italian Witchcraft. Leland's original quest was to make contact with practicing Italian Witches. After years of trying...