I've read both the sixth and seventh edition. The authors successfully improve their presentation without just adding "new" material. I liked the sixth edition so much that I was super critical of the seventh until about half way, then I realized that the authors' revision and re-presentation was superior. I'm particularly pleased that it flows smoothly and does not suffer from the usual "text book" format and gimmicks...
Not only have I read this book, but I did so in conjunction from taking an argumentation class from the author, Dr. Richard Rieke. Dr. Rieke is an extremely experienced and talented communicator and this book would be a valuable addition to any scholar and layperson alike.Rieke's background includes mediation and negotiation for some of the most prominent global companies and more than 20 years experience as an educator. Currently...
This book is -- hands down -- the best single textbook for use in a first year critical thinking and argumentation course. Professor Eric Nelson.
Argumentation and Decision-Making has been stolen off my book shelf more often than any other book I've ever owned. I keep replacing it, because it has a unique combination of practical and sophisticated examples, as well as clear explanations of the LOGIC behind assessments. Gifted high school students need the standards represented in this book. Evidently, colleagues need the guidance for writing Master's theses...