"If only..." French forces had defeated the British at the Plains of Abraham.
"If only..." Avro had built its famous aircraft.
"If only..." Louis Riel's Red River Rebellion had succeeded and he'd escaped the hangman's noose.
"If only..." the Louisiana Purchase had gone to Canada instead of the United States.
"If only..." Henderson had missed that heart-stopping goal in 1972.
"If only..." is the elemental force behind all forms of speculative fiction, none moreso than alternate history. It's also virtually a Canadian mantra.Winner of the Aurora Award, Arrowdreams is the first ever collection of Canadian fiction in this genre, exploring the highways and byways of historical paths not taken.
This collection includes some of Canada's best and brightest speculative writers, including Dave Duncan, Michael Skeet, Nancy Kilpatrick, Edo van Belkom, Glenn Grant, Allan Weiss, Laurent McAllister, Eric Choi, Paula Johanson and Derryl Murphy, exploring the infinite possibilities of alternate Canadian history.