Redheads abound, a skeleton is unearthed, and an explosion of action roars along to an unexpected climax in this story.
Novice Jeffersonville Police Detective Janet Crain takes a call on a lazy spring Saturday to check out a strange finding at a state park. A buried skeleton has been accidently unearthed by an intrepid troop of boy scouts. Identifying the skeleton is a low priority case; Janet is given the lead. She digs into and explores all the trails she can imagine to identify the bones, turning up many intriguing leads, some false, some more promising. The initial clues include a wisp of red hair on the skull, a distinctive brass belt buckle, and that the bones belong to a female in her twenties. She has been buried about twenty years, and it is obvious that she has been murdered. The killer must be found
Janet's inquiries prompt the emergence of many characters interested in the case, strange people with mixed and menacing motives. Soon it segues into danger for Janet and others, including her husband, Al, a part-time pastor and the police chaplain. Janet must act to save them all