This book was born out of my desperate need for answers, combined with my refusal to accept things as the were, or "appeared" to be. The answers started to come in the most unusual way and they were so definitive and so clear that I never once questioned them. I have been asked, "how can you be sure this isn't just your imagination?" I absolutely "know" it is not my imagination, but I don't really know how I know; I just know I received answers in which I've never had even the beginning of a thought of before. In the very beginning it felt like I was dying while still alive. As you will learn from "Ask the Silence", this was not my first experience with this, but it was the first in "this way"; the first being spoken to. There was never even one verbal word in this conversation; as I explain in "Ask the Silence", it is like being injected with liquid thought, where you instantly know, without any questions. There is a feeling of immense peace and love that has been serving as confirmation that what I am being told, "without words", is absolutely true. And I want you to absolutely know that this is not reserved for certain people only. You not only can do this, you already are, in ways you don't yet recognize. Allow me to help you do this, on purpose.