A wildly comic send-up of Irish literature and culture, "At Swim-Two-Birds" is the story of a young, lazy, and frequently drunk Irish college student who lives with his curmudgeonly uncle in Dublin. When not in bed (where he seems to spend most of his time) or reading he is composing...
Along with one or two books by James Joyce, Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds is the most famous (and infamous) of Irish novels published in the twentieth century. A wildly comic send-up of Irish literature and culture, At Swim-Two-Birds is the story of a young, lazy, and frequently...
That's a real writer, with the true comic spirit. A really funny book. James Joyce.
Flann O'Brien's innovative metafictional work, whose unruly characters strike out their own paths in life to the frustration of their author, At Swim-Two-Birds is a brilliant impressionistic jumble of ideas, mythology and nonsense published in Penguin Modern Classics...
"That's a real writer, with the true comic spirit. A really funny book." James Joyce.
"That's a real writer, with the true comic spirit. A really funny book." James Joyce.
Flann O'Brien (1911-1966) est ne et a vecu toute sa vie en Irlande, ou il a ete eleve en gaelique aussi bien qu'en anglais. Haut fonctionnaire, il a ete, parallelement a son metier, ecrivain et chroniqueur (ses articles dans l'Irish Times, sous le pseudonyme de Myles na...
A wildly comic send-up of Irish literature and culture, "At Swim-Two-Birds" is the story of a young, lazy, and frequently drunk Irish college student who lives with his curmudgeonly uncle in Dublin. When not in bed (where he seems to spend most of his time) or reading he is composing...
"That's a real writer, with the true comic spirit. A really funny book." James Joyce.
A wildly comic send-up of Irish literature and culture, "At Swim-Two-Birds" is the story of a young, lazy, and frequently drunk Irish college student who lives with his curmudgeonly uncle in Dublin. When not in bed (where he seems to spend most of his time) or reading he is composing...