There is extraordinary quality of spirit that leads one to aspire to conquering rather than surviving. I hope you discover that spirit in yourself." -- Dr. Laura The #1 national bestselling author and popular syndicated radio host shows men and...
In this important book, Dr. Laura Schlessinger shows men and women that they can have a Good Life no matter how Bad their Childhood. For each of us, there is a connection between our early family dynamics and experiences and our current attitudes and decisions. Many of the people...
A Bad Childhood is easy to come by, but you don't have any control over it. A Good Life after a Bad Childhood is not easy to create, but you DO have control over that. In her new empowering book, Dr Laura Schlessinger, author of seven New York Times bestsellers, shows you...
"There is extraordinary quality of spirit that leads one to aspire to conquering rather than surviving. I hope you discover that spirit in yourself."-- Dr. Laura The #1 national bestselling author and popular syndicated radio host shows men and women...