"Almost unbearable suspense. Leonard has produced another winner." -- People A wild ride with "the coolest, hottest writer in America" ( Chicago Tribune ), Bandits has everything Elmore Leonard fans love: non-stop thrills, unexpected twists and turns, unforgettable characters,...
Bandits assembles an unlikely crew: an ex-nun, an ex-cop, and an ex-con. They've got theit eyes on several million dollars that they've decided should notbe spent to aid the Contrast in Nicaraugua. Of courst, a lot of other people have their eyes on the money, too--Bandits assembles...
Bandits assembles an unlikely crew: an ex-nun, an ex-cop, and an ex-con. They've got theit eyes on several million dollars that they've decided should notbe spent to aid the Contrast in Nicaraugua. Of courst, a lot of other people have their eyes on the money, too--Bandits assembles...